Our Team

Rob Beagrie
Group Head
Rob studied Biochemistry at Cambridge University, then did his doctoral research with Prof. Ana Pombo at Imperial College and the Max Delbruck Centre in Berlin. Rob was then awarded a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship to move to the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine and work with Prof. Doug Higgs on gene expression in early red blood cell differentiation. He joined the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics as a new Group Leader in April 2022, supported by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship from Wellcome and the Royal Society.

Tatevik Jalatyan
Tatevik studied Data Science at the American University of Armenia, then did an MSc in Genomic Medicine at the University of Oxford. She is currently working as a bioinformatician, developing new algorithms for the analysis of single-cell multiomics datasets, with a focus on cell cycle phase identification.

Ana Dopico-Fernandez
DPhil Student
Ana studied Biotechnology at UCL and then did an MPhil in Genetics at Cambridge University. She is currently carrying out her PhD on cancer epigenetics under the supervision of Tom Milne and Rob Beagrie.

Ramy Slama
DPhil Student
Ramy is a DPhil student in Adam Mead’s group investigating the effects of mutations in epigenetic regulators on the clonal evolution of haematopoietic stem cells in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. He intends to utilise single-cell multi-omics techniques to discern phenotypic heterogeneities and elucidate mechanisms of fitness advantages in this rare cell population. The aim of this research is to potentially uncover targetable pathways or processes of interest that could help inform better patient treatment and future novel therapies.

Carol Sun
DPhil Student
Carol studied Systems Biology at Cambridge University, and is currently a Dphil student studying Interdisciplinary Biosciences DTP in partnership with Novo Nordisk. Her project centres around adipocyte development, enhancer biology and CRISPR technologies.
Rosa Stolper
Postdoctoral Researcher
Rosa was a postdoctoral researcher working on chromatinopathies. Using a variety of molecular biology methods, such as Cut&Tag and GAM, she investigated why mutations in chromatin genes can cause heart defects.
Jennifer Herrmann
DPhil Student